Fecha del Honor Homosexual las mas grandes Apps de dar con dueto LGTBI

Fecha del Honor Homosexual las mas grandes Apps de dar con dueto LGTBI

Hi there, Thank you very much for the thoughtful review! Many of the things you have suggested have been talked about internally vedette ways to improve the app.

We have heard feedback from users like yourself that want to be able to better connect with users that are of interest to them. One of the things we are currently working on is en re-imagined version of tags.

In the upcoming version, there will be most tags, they will be searchable, and we will actively be listening to feedback so that we can add additional tags estrella our users play with them. We want to siga to help create connections for our community and we’re excited for you to see what we have planned! We hope to eventually earn a 5-star review from you! Jersey have been using this app for several years for what this app is used for.

Then on the day Igualmente opta por to purchase a one month membership to get the Xtra features I­ was banned without notice. Igualmente thought it to be a technical glitch so I reached out to the support for them and asked for reasons on the ban and they said all I have todo is appeal the ban. (more…)

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